About us


We understand that the success of our customers is the essential key to the success of our business.

We work hard to sharpen our relationship with our customers and partners to support their changing needs, as well as the needs of the customers they serve.

Helping our customers achieve their goals one step at a time, one project at a time. Delivering the right technology ... at the right time. Our experience matters in getting this done.

At our core is a philosophy of service to our clients with the highest level of honesty and integrity 100%... all the time. Giving our best on each and every effort, every time out, every new project, every new product, every new technology and every new client. Until you... our client says it's right... we keep striving to reach that level of complete buy in and acceptance by you. Our clients are why we are here providing this service - the successes we experience with our clients is why we continue to work.

We are clear... we work for you.

Unity Broadcasting Brands ... 50 Years ... Serving Developing and Transforming
Leadership, Innovation
and Business Solutions

Radio Founding of Unity

Broadcasting (1971) NBN Radio Syndication 300 Markets (1972) National Association of Broadcasters (1976) White House Business Politics (1976)

Unity Brands Revenue
$100 Million


Cable System Operation Cellular Activity

WWRL AM Radio NYC - (1980) WDAS AM/FM Radio Philadelphia (1986) QUICS Cable Time Warner Inner City (1986) Detroit Cellular (1988)

Unity Brands Revenue
$240 Million


Cable Television

WAN Premium Channel - 15M (1991) Sale of Stock QUICS Cable - 60M (1994) Sale of WDAS To Beasly - 26M (1994) WAN Online - 7M (1995)

Unity Brands Revenue
$550 Million


Internet Activities

WAN New Media Consultants (2010) Radio One, Road Runner, Cox. Comm. World Space One World New Media - 8.5M (2008) Internet Market Investments (2009)

Unity Brands Revenue
$825 Million


Internet Investment

Social Media Focus (2010) Client Acquisition Social media Space Digital Marketing Space (2012) Agoryum.com - US, UK, South Africa (2013)

Unity Brands Revenue
$1.2 Billion+


The Future of Today

Machine Learning (ML), Automated Intelligence (AI), BioTechnology, NanoTechnology, Everything Connected, Mobilization, Self Driving Cars, Bodies wired with Censors, Deep Learning and IoT are Here! Tomorrow's Future is at our doorsteps today.

Think Agoryum, think Edge, think Engaged ... Get Enlightened.



If you would like additional information from an Agoryum Business Consultant contact us.